Friday, February 29, 2008

Seri the next victim

Seripisut Temiyavej used to have a fan club, it was called "Friends of Seri". Why did a policeman have a fan club? Because he was one of the few that people felt they could trust, Seri was the only policeman I'm aware of that people even attempted to believe when he once said "I have never taken a bribe".

Seri had a reputation as a man who would take on figures considered above the law. He once told a tale of how he attempted to arrest a local Jao Pho:

"As soon as I arrived they telephoned and sent telegrams to the minister, the Prime Minister and the MP's. The police director general changes his mind and gives me only five extra men. Apart from my personal secretary, everyone who is meant to be on my side are their men".

Despite this, Seri made it to the top of his profession and announced to corrupt officers: "I'm coming after you". For that, he was today rewarded by being moved from his post without explanation. The PPP personnel purge continues.

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